Saturday, September 6, 2008


UTENSIL FACTORY is Revention Software's new simple editor framework.  Specifically designed for visual editors, with flexibility to accommodate non-visual editors, the editor framework provides a powerful set of interfaces and base classes that allows the individual editors to communicate with the GUI and allows the tools to communicate with the editors.  By creating a set of standard visual tools, new editors can be created quickly and efficiently while still boasting a powerful array of tools.

Development of UTENSIL FACTORY is under way and near completion.  The framework and it's first application (the editor for The Fantasy Game) are being developed concurrently.  The framework will be used in the final version of the FantasyEditor.  After the game is released the framework will undergo further improvements and testing until it is ready for independent release.

On a less technical note...all is coming along well.  Below are two screenshots from the alpha version of the FantasyEditor (which is built on top of the UTENSIL FACTORY framework).

As is alluded to by the screenshots, even though the LevelEditor and the SceneEditor are editing distinctly different objects, they both utilize the same tools (the MoveView, Move and Modify tools).  The code to handle mouse input and translate it into function calls is all handled abstractly, allowing each tool to be used in an array of different editors.  This is the core feature of UTENSIL FACTORY.

1 comment:

Wayne said...

Wait, so it was this or and you chose this? I'm disappointed... :-P